The Prime Minister (PM) of Palestine, Mohammad IM Shtayyeh, expressed his gratitude to President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and the Indonesian people for providing support for the Palestinian independence effort.

"We express our high gratitude to your Majesty for Indonesia's ever-stopping and unbounded support in political programs or efforts towards independence and obtaining full membership at the United Nations," the Palestinian PM said during a press statement at the Bogor Palace on Monday, October 24.

One of the Palestinian PM's working visits to Indonesia was to sign a memorandum of understanding (MoU) regarding the establishment of the Independent Food and Drug Authority in Palestine. The establishment is in collaboration with the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM).

"In the near future there will be elections in Israel, but it is unfortunate that the campaign is at the expense of Palestinian rights and more than 170 people have died in Palestine, thousands of people have been jailed and thousands injured as a result of the ongoing attacks carried out by Israelis on Palestinians," he said. confiscated by Antara.

He hopes that Indonesia can also support efforts to stop Israeli violations.

"As we have discussed, currently the'settlement' (population) is still running intensively by the Israeli government. The 'Settlement' can certainly prevent the achievement of a two-state solution," he said.

To that end, the Palestinian PM also hopes that anyone can support a two-state solution to stop Israeli action.

"Our visit to Indonesia is the peak of the 33-year diplomatic bilateral relationship between the two countries. We really appreciate the noble wisdom and policies in managing diversity in Indonesia which requires extraordinary policies in which the President manages them," said PM Shtayyeh.

Israel is known to occupy East Jerusalem, the West Bank, and Gaza in the 1967 Middle East war. United States-sponsored Israeli-Palestinian peaceful negotiations failed in 2014.

Efforts to reach an agreement between the two countries, involving Israeli and side-by-side Palestinian countries, have long stalled.

The international community to date continues to encourage the realization of a peaceful solution between Palestine and Israel, which is based primarily on the principle of "two-state solution", as mandated in various resolutions of the UN General Assembly (MU) and Security Council (DK).

However, the challenges have increasingly hampered the journey of the peace process between the two, for example, the US decision on December 6, 2017 to recognize Jerusalem as the Israeli capital and followed by the transfer of the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem on May 14, 2018.

Indonesia has consistently voiced the rights of the Palestinian people, including encouraging the establishment of a Palestinian state under the principle of "two-state solution" including in the holding of the 60th Anniversary of the Asian-African Conference (KAA) in April 2015 which agreed on the Declaration on Palestine to underscore the support of Asian and African countries for the Palestinian struggle for independence and efforts to create a "two-state solution".

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