YOGYAKARTA Indonesia has several natural gas-producing areas that can be used as energy sources. The existence of this area further strengthens Indonesia as a rich country. In fact, one of the gas-producing areas is in the capital city of the archipelago.

Indonesia is also included in the top 10 natural gas-producing countries that are abundant in the world. The Indonesian Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources has also mapped areas that are producers and store natural gas reserves.

Based on the Decree of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Indonesia No. 214 K/82/MEM/2020 concerning the Determination of Resulting Areas and the Basis for Calculation of Funds for Natural Resources of Oil and Gas for 2021, the following are gas-producing areas in Indonesia.

The first most abundant natural gas-producing area is South Sumatra Province. Natural gas reserves in South Sumatra are spread across seven districts, namely Lahat Regency, Muara Enim, Prabumulih, Musi Banyuasin, Musi Rawas, Ogan Komering Ulu, Penukal Abab Lematang Ilir. Overall, the number of natural gas in South Sumatra reached 497,426.90 MMBTU (natural gas units).

Not only famous for its biological wealth, West Papua also has other wealth in the form of natural gas. The amount of natural gas from West Papua reached 457,423.21 MMBTU, which was supported by two districts, namely Bintuni Bay and Sorong. In Bituni Bay, LNG (liquid natural gas) is the largest in West Papua. In addition, gas reserves were also found in Kapanda, Babo, and Klamono.

This area is also said to have reserves and become a natural gas producer which is quite large up to 136,329.57 MMBTU. Interestingly, this figure was obtained from the amount of gas in the district, which only came from one district, namely Banggai Regency.

Who would have thought that the area that is a candidate for the capital city of Indonesia has a fairly large natural gas reserves, reaching 81,823.68 MMBTU. In this region, the largest LNG refinery in the world is also established, where the management is in the hands of Pertamina and Mahakam Blocks.

Several cities in East Kalimantan that produce gas are Samarinda City, Kutai Kertanegara Regency, North Panajam Paser Regency, and Bontang City.

Jambi is the most natural gas-producing region next in Indonesia. Jambi's total natural gas is 76,363.99 MMBTU. This area has four districts that produce natural gas in abundant quantities, namely Muaro Jambi Regency, East Tanjung Jabung Regency, West Tanjung Jabung Regency, and Batanghari Regency.

Of the three provinces of Java, West Java was able to produce the most natural gas from East Java and Central Java. The total natural gas in West Java reaches 66,998.03 MMBTU. Most of the gas in West Java Province is found in 6 regencies and 1 city, namely Indramayu Regency, Karawang Regency, Majalengka Regency, Subang Regency, Bekasi Regency, and Bekasi City.

The natural gas content in West Java is said to be 4 times more than the petroleum content. However, the total natural gas in West Java has not been able to meet export needs.

Those are some of the most natural gas-producing areas in Indonesia. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.

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