PDI-P (PDIP) held a friendly badminton tournament between 15 youth organizations and students at the GBK Arena, Jakarta on Sunday, October 23.

When opening this activity, PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto said the activity was carried out in accordance with the direction of PDIP General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri. It was stated that the 5th President of the Republic of Indonesia wanted politics to also improve the health and enthusiasm of the youth.

"PDI Perjuangan masuk ke wajah politik yang sebenarnya, wajah politik yang penuh persahabatan dan wajah politik yang memberikan kesempatan bagi para pemuda Indonesia setiap hari mengejoran janji muda bagi cinta tanah air, bangsa, dan negara," kata Hasto saat membuka acara tersebut.

"We would like to thank you for the creative idea of bringing the Indonesian political atmosphere which is only colored by various things related to presidential and vice presidential candidates," he continued.

Meanwhile, Chairman of the PDIP DPP for Youth and Sports Eriko Sotarduga said this tournament was held in the spirit of friendship. Moreover, politics is not just gaining power to fight for the needs of the people.

"Utilization is important if we are healthy. But, just being healthy is not enough. We also have to be friends. So there are additional health, friends so that we relax," said Eriko.

After delivering his remarks, Hasto and Eriko then opened the event by competing badminton against the 2000 Olympic gold medalist, Candra Wijaya.

This activity was attended by 15 youth organizations, namely PB PMII, BMI, DPP KNPI, BPP HIPMI, Nasyiatul Aisyiyah, National Presidium GMNI, TMP, PP PMKRI, Repdem, SAPMA PP, PP GP Ansor, PP Pemuda Muhammadiyah, PP GMKI, Purna Paskibraka Indonesia, and PP FKPPI.

"These 15 mass organizations are only a small part of the hundreds of youth organizations in Indonesia. We hope that in the coming years we can make even bigger tournaments," said the chairman of the tournament committee, Restu Hapsari.

Later, this activity will be held for three days until Monday, October 24. While the final will be held on October 26.

"The peak of the event will be carried out by handing over gifts to the champions I, II, III and IV on October 28 as well as the peak of the commemoration of the Youth Pledge," concluded Restu.

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