MEDAN - Candidate for mayor of Medan serial number 1 Akhyar Nasution directly mentioned the issue of money politics in the Medan Regional Election. Akhyar who is paired with Salman Alfarisi promised to create a transparent and clean government.

"Akhyar-Salman is committed to himself, committed to the people of Medan, committed to Allah Almighty, will build a clean government. Where does the construction of clean and clean government begin, "said Akhyar Nasution, opening the Medan Pilkada debate broadcast on YouTube KPU Medan, Saturday, December 5.

In the Pilkada, Akhyar emphasized that he never distributed anything that could be categorized as money politics. Akhyar-Salman, who was promoted by the Democrats and PKS, mentioned the offer of Medan City's progress programs for residents.

"Akhyar-Salman does not do money politics, because political money is the root of corruption in the local government. Akhyar-Salman is committed today we did not do that. And we believe the Medan people think rationally, act rationally and evaluate candidates who are clean and honest, "said Akhyar.

Meanwhile, the candidate for deputy mayor of Medan Salman Alfarisi first expressed his condolences for the people of North Sumatra, including Medan, who were victims of the floods. Salman then talked about the vision in the Medan Pilkada, namely 'Comfortable Medan City, Happy Citizens'.

"We have a commitment to make the city of Medan beautiful with character towards the future city of Medan. In terms of correlation, the central government, our provincial governments know well that the president, governor, mayor of each position are political. We are sure that both the president and the governor will give the best for the city of Medan, "said Salman while emphasizing intensive coordination with the central / provincial government if elected in the Medan regional elections.

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