JAKARTA - Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono ensured that all puskesmas in Jakarta no longer use sirop drugs whose distribution is ordered to be withdrawn by the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) to the public.

At least, there are five sirop medicinal products withdrawn by BPOM because they are suspected of being the trigger for the case of atypical progressive acute kidney failure or attypical progressive reference childney injury (AKI).

"Socialization (regarding the withdrawal of sirop drugs) has been carried out. (Five sirop drug products) have been banned at health centers," Heru told reporters, Friday, October 21.

Heru revealed that the supervision of the use of drugs that are considered dangerous at health service facilities in Jakarta will be carried out by BPOM.

Meanwhile, the DKI Provincial Government will comb all hospitals in Jakarta to check cases of mysterious acute kidney failure that have not been reported.

In addition, the former Mayor of North Jakarta ensured that the DKI Jakarta Regional Health Laboratory (Labkesda) had been prepared as a reference and training ground for other regions for toxicology checks.

The toxicology examination, in this case, is intended as an examination of liquids or toxins in samples of cases of mysterious acute kidney failure that are now infecting children in Indonesia.

"We ensure that the DKI Jakarta Labkesda is complete. Mrs. Director General said that this is a reference place, a training ground for other regional labkesda so that the standard is the same," he explained.

On the evening of Wednesday, October 19, there were 40 children who died from the disease. Head of the DKI Jakarta Health Office, Widyastuti, said this figure was calculated since January 2022. Now, the total number of acute kidney failure cases in Jakarta is 71.

"Temporary data that we have processed from January to October 19, there were 71 reported cases. A total of 40 cases died since January," said Widyastuti.

A total of 16 cases are still undergoing treatment, and 15 cases have been declared cured. As many as 60 cases or 85 percent are under five years of age and 11 cases or 15 percent are 5-18 years old.

"Then, of the 71 cases, 35 of them were domiciled in DKI Jakarta, then 9 in Banten, West Java in 16 cases, and Jabodetabek in 7 cases," said Widyastuti.

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