West Sumatra (West Sumatra) Police Chief Inspector General Suharyono immediately prostrated with gratitude when he set foot at Minangkabau International Airport (BIM) Padang Pariaman Regency, Thursday, October 20. West Sumatra Deputy Police Chief Brigadier General Edi Mardianto immediately welcomed the presence of the two-star general along with a number of key officials from the West Sumatra Regional Police. "Welcome to Minang," he said in Padang Pariaman, quoted from Antara. Inspector General Suharyono, who was the best graduate of the winner, Adhi Makayasa, Akpol 1992, immediately prostrated in Tanah Minangkabau when he got off the plane and then received the installation of a 'deta' or typical Minangkabau headband from the Deputy Chief of the West Sumatra Police. Then, the Deputy Chief of Police who accompanied the West Sumatra Police Chief introduced the West Sumatra Forkopimda, the Main Officials and the Chief of Police in line with the West Sumatra Police. Previously, the National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, officially appointed Inspector General Suharyono as the West Sumatra Police Chief along with a number of high-ranking officers within the National Police in Jakarta, Tuesday. The Head of Public Relations of the West Sumatra Police, Kombes Pol. Dwi Sulistyawan, said that Inspector General Suharyono previously served in the Financial Services Authority and was inaugurated based on the Chief of Police's Telegram Letter Number: ST/2223/X/KEP./2022, dated October 14, 2022. According to him, after the inauguration of the West Sumatra Police Chief, Inspector General Suharyono will arrive in Padang on Thursday (20/10) and will participate in a number of activities. "Thursday, the Welcomenner event as well as a gathering with officials of the Regional Leadership Communication Forum (Forkopimda) at the Governor's Palace, at night," he said again. Furthermore, on Friday, October 21, 2022, the Kapolda will be greeted at the West Sumatra Police Headquarters. "A series of activities after welcoming the Regional Police Chief, continued the unit report, then the Commander wish of the Regional Police Chief, and the direction of the Regional Police Chief," he said. "I invite all members of the West Sumatra Regional Police and the people of West Sumatra to always pray for the Kapolda to carry out their duties properly in West Sumatra," he also said. Previously, the West Sumatra Police Chief was appointed by Inspector General Teddy Minahasa Putra who would be transferred as the East Java Police Chief and replaced by the former Karo Penmas Polri Headquarters Inspector General Rusdi Hartono, but because there were cases of alleged ethical violations against Inspector General Pol Teddy before the inauguration. The National Police Chief issued a decision to transfer Inspector General Rusdi to the Jambi Police Chief and Inspector General Suharyono to the West Sumatra Police Chief.

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