BANGKA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) reminded the importance of fulfilling child nutrition for beneficiaries of social assistance (bansos) who attended Toboali Market, South Bangka Regency, Bangka Belitung Islands. Jokowi said that the fulfillment of children's nutrition could be one of the allocations for a number of social assistance that was handed over directly. "Use it as well as possible. For things related to, for example, children's nutrition, you can. To buy rice, you can. Buy eggs, you can. Buy milk, you can. Don't buy cellphones (cell phones), don't buy new clothes, I'll just leave that for the benefit of children's education, you can," Jokowi said in a statement from the Press Bureau of the Presidential Secretariat received in Jakarta, Antara, Thursday, October 20. At Toboali Market, Jokowi handed over working capital assistance (BMK) worth IDR 1.2 million to street vendors (PKL) and participants of the Family Hope Program (PKH). In addition, Jokowi also had time to ensure that the relevant beneficiaries had received direct assistance for fuel from the government. "Did you accept all of this, right? Have you received BLT BBM? BLT BBM is IDR 300 thousand, the assistance of the President is IDR 1.2 million," he said. The review of the delivery of social assistance at Toboali Market was Jokowi's first activity upon arrival in South Bangka, after holding a number of activities in West Bangka Regency since morning. In West Bangka, Jokowi reviewed the development of a tin smelter facility with the Ausmelt Top Submerged Lance (TSL) technology built by PT Timah Tbk. Jokowi also handed over the social assistance directly at Muntok Market before meeting a number of fishermen in Tanjung Laur Fisherman Village and visiting Tanjung Snake Port. Jokowi left for South Bangka from West Bangka at around 13.30 WIB on the Indonesian Air Force Super Puma helicopter before landing at the Janjung Besaoh Stadium helicopter was welcomed by South Bangka Regent Riza Herdavid, Dandim 0413/Bangka Colonel Inf Denny Noviandi, and South Bangka Police Chief AKBP Joko Isnawan. Also accompanying Jokowi in activities at the Toboali Market, including Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung, Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi, Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Sakti Wahyu Trenggono, Acting Governor of Bangka Belitung Ridwan Djamaluddin, and Deputy Regent of South Bangka Debby Vita Dewi.

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