Minister Of Research And Technology: The COVID-19 Vaccine Is Confirmed To Be Safe And Effective
DOCK. ANTARA / Menristek Bambang Brodjonegoro

JAKARTA - Minister of Research and Technology (Menristek) / Head of the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) Bambang PS Brodjonegoro said vaccines were confirmed to be safe and effective to create immunity against COVID-19.

"So the most important thing for the community is to understand that vaccines are safe and effective, the two vaccines are needed in order for us to build community immunity against COVID-19," said Minister of Research and Technology Bambang as quoted by Antara, Friday, December 4.

To ensure the safety and efficacy or efficacy of vaccines, various stages are carried out, starting from research and development in the laboratory to clinical trials in stages 1, 2, and 3 in humans.

Minister of Research and Technology Bambang said that the campaign on vaccination program continues to educate the public about the importance of being vaccinated.

Vaccination is needed to create herd immunity.

"So we can't just carry out a vaccine for our own immunity, the name of which is a vaccine that is needed to create community immunity, so indeed there must be enough people who take vaccinations, first not only for their own interests but for the benefit of society at large including of course the interests of their own families, "said Minister of Research and Technology Bambang.

According to him, the most important thing is for the public to get clarity that the safety and efficacy of the vaccine is very important, therefore clinical trials are conducted.

He said clinical trials would show whether the vaccine was safe and effective. Once it is believed to be safe and effective, the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) as the regulator will issue a permit to carry out vaccinations.

"We can see later how the third phase of clinical trials conducted in Bandung for the vaccine which is likely to be used for the first time from Sinovac China," he said.

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