JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo has instructed all his staff to take early anticipation and be alert in dealing with the threat of hydrometeorological disasters, such as floods, high rainfall, landslides, strong winds, and droughts in the region.

The Chief of Police's instructions are contained in the Telegram Letter Number: STR/760/X/Ops.2./2022 which was signed by the Assistant Chief of the National Police for Operations (Asops) Inspector General Police Agung Setya on behalf of the National Police Chief dated October 12, 2022.

"To anticipate early and to reduce the impact of floods, landslides, hurricanes, and others as a result of the weather anomaly, the high rainfall that occurred in some parts of Indonesia, a directive is conveyed", that is the content of the telegram letter from the National Police Chief as quoted in Jakarta, Tuesday, October 18.

There were a total of eight directions given by the National Police Chief in the telegram.

First, all ranks of the National Police in areas with high rainfall based on data from the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) are asked to coordinate with the local Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) to take mitigation steps to reduce the impact of disasters, both to humans, property, and public facilities.

Second, regional police leaders are asked to check the preparedness of disaster management personnel and equipment in an integrated manner with relevant agencies so that they are ready and easy to move at any time.

Third, establishing flood control posts at the Resort Police and Polsek in flood-prone areas equipped with SAR equipment that is ready to operate, such as rubber boats, life jackets, generators, emergency lights, and flashlights.

Fourth, the ranks of the National Police in the regions are advised to socialize and disseminate emergency numbers (call centers) to communities in disaster-prone areas to facilitate the flow of information and the provision of assistance.

"Fifth, put up signs indicating the way to the gathering point or evacuation route to a safe place in the event of floods, landslides, and other natural disasters", according to the letter from the National Police Chief.

In the sixth directive, to areas affected by hydrometeorological disasters, the National Police Chief asked his staff to synergize with relevant stakeholders to establish an integrated disaster management post, an adequate post or shelter, and a public kitchen.

Seventh, the National Police Chief ordered all police chiefs and police chiefs to go directly to the field to control traffic flow due to flooding or puddles on roads due to heavy rain.

In the last directive, the National Police Chief asked for the placement of officers on flooded roads and put up signs to direct people to take safe alternative routes.

The government issued an early warning regarding the threat of hydrometeorological disasters that occurred in Indonesian territory due to high rainfall in October.

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