MATARAM - Police officers are investigating cases of illegal levies (extortion) throughout the traditional market area of Mataram City, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Head of the Mataram Police Satreskrim Kompol Kadek Adi Budi Astawa said the search was a development of the results of the OTT Head of the Cakranegara Traditional Market UPTD and the Mataram City Disdag Sandubaya with the initials AK in the case of kiosk rental extortion at the Ampenan Traditional Market. "We conducted this search by starting to examine the confiscated documents from the search in the AK office and also the statements of the witnesses," said Kadek Adi in Mataram, Antara, Tuesday, October 18. The confession of the suspect AK that there was money flowing to higher-than-position officials was also the basis for police investigators to carry out developments. In addition, the basic development efforts on the suspect position of AK who carried out extortion were beyond his authority in the positions of Head of the Cakranegara Traditional Market UPTD and Sandubaya. "Essentially, we will explore all narratives that lead to other clues. Because it is impossible for us to carry out development without a clear basis," he said. Investigators named AK as a suspect according to the results of the case title. In the status of a suspect, AK is suspected of being criminalized under Article 12e of Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption as amended by Law no. 20 of 2001. The criminal charges are related to the actions of the suspect AK who collected the kiosk rental at the Ampenan Traditional Market outside the provisions of the rules. As a follow-up to the determination, investigators have detained the suspect AK at the Mataram Police Detention Center. The suspect AK was arrested by the Satreskrim Team of the Mataram Police on Friday (7/10) at the Mataram City Trade Office. The police arrested AK when he received the payment for renting a kiosk at Ampenan Market from a trader with the initials M. The evidence confiscated was in the form of Rp. 30 million. Selain menangkap AK dan M, polisi dalam aktif OTT tersebut menangkap seorang kepala pasar yang turut menyaksikan penyerangan di lokasi. Polisi turut menangkap seorang pejabat Dinas Perdagangan Kota Mataram berinisial MS. During the interrogation at the location, AK admitted that he had withdrawn the kiosk rental money at Ampenan Market to M. In fact, before the OTT took place, AK also received a deposit from other traders with a value of Rp. 15 million. Thus, from the active OTT, the police confiscated Rp45 million in cash along with a note which was proof of payment for kiosk rental. In the payment note, AK falsified the treasurer's signature. Regarding the role of three other people who were also arrested with AK at the OTT location, Kadek Adi said that their status is still a witness.

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