JAKARTA - The National Police took several legal steps regarding the emergence of the Sunda Empire, which attracted the attention of many parties. Nine people have been questioned, four of whom are expert witnesses.

Head of Public Relations DivHumas Polri Kombes Asep Adi Saputra said expert witnesses were asked for their opinion to determine whether there was a criminal offense behind the statement of the Sunda Empire figure and address the steps that would be taken by investigators.

"The opinions of these experts, ranging from linguists, criminal experts, sociologists and historians, are currently being studied as to how the witness testimony and the evidence found," said Asep in Jakarta, Monday, January 27.

Provisional allegations, there is a violation of the law in the statement of the Sundanese Empire figure, namely the spread of fake news. So, if it is proven later, then prosecution will be carried out because it has fulfilled the elements of Article 14 and Article 15 of law number 1 1974 KUHP.

"Educators need to listen to these 4 experts so that later they can come up with comprehensive conclusions and then decide to follow up on the Sunda Empire phenomenon," said Asep.

Meanwhile, several other witnesses are said to have come from the Sunda Empire group. They were asked by investigators to describe in detail various things about the Sunda Empire group. One of them is about the activities carried out.

"West Java Police investigators have examined 5 witnesses, including witnesses of the place where they were used and the declaration about Sunda Empire, including several witnesses related to membership of the Sunda Empire," said Asep.

For your information, a video showing the activities of the Sunda Empire group went viral on social media. One video shows several members of the Sunda Empire holding an event that is allegedly a declaration.

In the video there is also a loud voice from one of the alleged leaders of the Sunda Empire group. The figure wearing a beret talks about the reign of countries that will end in 2020.

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