JAKARTA - Former Secretary of the NCB Interpol Indonesia, Brigadier General Nugroho Slamet Wibowo explained the reasons behind the lengthy reply letter sent to the Attorney General's Office (AGO) regarding the issuance of Joko Tjandra's red notice.

This was conveyed by Slamet Wibowo when the panel of judges asked the reason for the length of the reply letter. In fact, the letter sent by the AGO is confidential and immediate.

Where the AGO sent a letter to the Police's International Relations Division (DivHubinter) to inform if Joko Tjandra needed a red notice on April 14, but it was only responded to around June.

"If I'm not mistaken at that time there was a departure for Serbia," said Wibowo during a trial at the Corruption Court, Central Jakarta, Thursday, December 3.

Then, Slamet Wibowo detailed the destination of departure to Serbia. At that time, the team from DivHubinter has about to catch Maria Pauline Lumowa.

So that during the vulnerable time of April to June, focus on preparing everything needed to catch fugitives for BNI bank burglary.

"At that time there was a delay during our process of preparing to depart to pick up Maria Pauline Lumowa. Picking up the MPL to Serbia," he said.

Even in the preparation process, Slamet Wibowo said, they had repeatedly held meetings. Because of that, the letter from the AGO was confidential and immediately neglected.

"We met many times to prepare for it, so it was delayed in May if I'm not mistaken," he said.

In the case of alleged bribery for the removal of red notice, investigators named four people as suspects. They act as recipients and givers.

Inspector General Napoleon Bonaparte and Brigadier General Prasetijo Utomo were named as suspects because they were suspected of being the recipients of bribes for the removal of red notice. Meanwhile, Tommy Sumardi and Djoko Tjandra were named as suspects on suspicion of giving bribes.

Joko Tjandra was charged with paying SGD200 thousand and USD270 thousand to Inspector General Napoleon and USD 150 thousand to Brigadier General Prasetijo.

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