JAKARTA - Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini prioritized children who were victims of the Kanjuruhan tragedy to get social assistance (bansos). This was conveyed when visiting the heirs at the Purwosari District Office, Pasuruan, East Java, Saturday.

One of the victims, Eni Anggraeni, who lost her husband in the tragedy that killed 132 people, was in a written statement received in Jakarta. Evi admitted that in that incident he was injured. He has a two-year-old child.

This has caught the attention of Social Minister Risma so that children whose parents died can be recorded in recipients of social assistance for orphans.

"It's very heavy, especially when someone leaves their wife and child who is still small. We will do it specifically, for example leaving orphans, we will include them in the recipients of social assistance for orphans," he said.

The former mayor of Surabaya for two periods expressed his condolences to the families and victims who were present.

"On behalf of the government, we express our condolences and sadness. This is not only in Malang, it is not only in Pasuruan. We all of Indonesia and even around the world share our condolences," said Risma.

In Pasuruan, Social Minister Risma together with Member of Commission VIII DPR RI Anisah Syakur provided compensation to 16 heirs in which each received compensation worth Rp. 15 million. The families of the victims who attended came from Pasuruan, Malang City, Malang Regency, Batu City, Probolinggo, and Jember. Also attended were three seriously injured people who received compensation worth Rp. 5 million and four minor injured victims who received compensation of Rp. 2.5 million.

Anisah Syakur said Commission VIII of the DPR RI always provides support for programs from the Ministry of Social Affairs, including this compensation.

"Of course this is also part of our duties as well as in the DPR RI, to always encourage the Ministry of Social Affairs to carry out its duties in accordance with the duties that have been submitted or that have been determined," he said.

This politician from Pasuruan also expressed his condolences for the passing of the victims of the Kanjuruhan tragedy. He hopes that those who suffer injuries will recover soon.

After the activity at Pasuruan, Social Minister Risma left for the Ngusikan District Office, Jombang to meet the families of the victims.

Di Jombang, Risma menekankan bahwa pemberian santunan bagian dari tugas dan fungsi Kementerian Sosial, bukan sebagai bentuk pengganti rasa kehilangan keluarga.

In his statement in front of the press, he said the Ministry of Social Affairs had completed the provision of compensation to the heirs of the victims who died, while data collection was still being collected for the injured.

The Ministry of Social Affairs also provides psychosocial support by presenting psychologists to restore the psychological condition of the victim's family.

In the activity in Pasuruan, the Regional Secretary of Pasuruan City Yuda Tri Widya, Head of Social Service Suwito Adi, Head of Anilatika Health Service, Sub-District Head Sugeng Hariyadi, Purwosari Police Chief, and Danramil. At Jombang, Jombang Regional Secretary Agus Purnomo was present, Head of the Jombang Senen Education Office, and Head of the Ngusikan Police.

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