JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan witnessed the signing of a cooperation between PAM Jaya and PT Moya Indonesia. Cooperation related to the implementation of a drinking water supply system through optimizing existing assets and providing new assets with a bundling financing scheme.

This activity is a follow-up to the signing of a memorandum of agreement on the synergy of drinking water by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government and the central government.

Despite re-establishing cooperation in water management with the private sector, PAM Jaya President Director Arief Nasrudin emphasized that things were very different from the cooperation with the previous two partners, namely Palyja and Aetra from 1998 to the end of this year.

In the previous agreement, partners carried out management from upstream to downstream. Meanwhile, this cooperation is only carried out in the production department.

"The distribution and customer service are fully carried out by PAM Jaya. This cooperation is generally carried out by drinking water companies in Indonesia. With the addition of water supply and services carried out by PAM JAYA, it is hoped that it can improve services for Jakarta residents," said Arief at DKI Jakarta City Hall, Friday, October 14.

Arief continued, in this cooperation agreement, PAM Jaya has the right to stop cooperation with its partners. Then, the process of selecting partners is also carried out strictly.

"So, the cooperation we carry out is based on good corporate governance, with the principle of prudence. In fact, PAM JAYA cooperates with BPKP and the DKI Jakarta High Prosecutor's Office to assist in the process of selecting cooperation partners," he said.

Continuing, Anies Baswedan feels grateful because efforts to optimize the provision of drinking water which is the basic right of citizens can be continued and accelerated.

We are really grateful because we have gone through a long phase. Where the coverage of our services reaches 64 percent and we hope that in the future it can be 100 percent. Because we want all households in Jakarta to have access to drinking water," said Anies.

Currently, PAM Jaya's service coverage is only 66 percent. To achieve 100 percent service coverage, PAM Jaya requires a new water supply of about 11,000 liters per second and a 4,000-kilometer pipe.

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