National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo said Inspector General Teddy Minahasa had undergone three urine tests after being secured in the aftermath of his involvement in the drug network. The results of the examination were tested positive.
"Then regarding the test problem for Inspector General TM, 3 tests were carried out," General Sigit told reporters, Friday, October 14.
However, the positive results were not about narcotics but drugs. So, later the investigators and the medical team will re-investigate the matter.
"Indeed, one thing was obtained related to certain types of drugs, but not drugs," he said.
"Later, we will be asked what is consumed, later it will be contested by a team of doctors who are consumed," continued Sigit.
On the previous occasion, the Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police, Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo, stated that the urine test results of Inspector General Teddy Minahasa were negative for drugs.
The examination was carried out after Teddy was secured by the Police Propam Division. "I have asked investigators for negative mutual results," said Dedi.
Inspector General Teddy Minahasa is said to be involved in a drug network. Thus, he is threatened with criminal sanctions and ethical sanctions in the form of dishonorable dismissal (PTDH).
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