SEMARANG - It didn't take long for the Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo, to complete a proposal from protesters at the Ganefo Flyover, Mranggen, Demak Regency.

At night after receiving the complaint, Ganjar immediately received confirmation from the Minister of Transportation and related agencies. According to Ganjar, this method is proof of how the problem is connected or dialogued in order to produce results without having to protest with demonstrations or demonstrations.

"Alhamdulillah, I contacted the Minister of Transportation, he immediately responded, what was the regent's phone number, later I will immediately take care of the Director General there. So that way it's done, there's no need to be angry or angry," said Ganjar at Weiskamer Building, Kotalama, Semarang, Thursday, October 13 evening.

After meeting residents who demonstrated at the inauguration of the Ganefo Mranggen Flyover, Ganjar immediately took quick steps. He asked the person in charge of the demonstration who turned out to be a member of the DPRD to send letters that had been sent to the Director General of Railways of the Ministry of Transportation.

"Alhamdulillah, I finished it earlier. Earlier I asked the DPRD members, which letters have been sent, given to me. As soon as I was given I immediately asked to check with the government. In principle, how come it can be, just give the train doorkeeper, so people can take advantage of it. It's simple. So that something that wants to be proposed is escorted, asked, and then there is clarity," explained Ganjar.

Ganjar himself regretted that the demonstration by deploying the residents occurred even though he did not prohibit the delivery of aspirations through the action. Because before the action occurred no one had communicated to Ganjar about what the residents suggested or complained about.

"Actually, it just needs communication. Unfortunately, no one contacted me," he said.

The information obtained regarding the road closure issue at the railroad crossing carrying the Ganefo Flyover was carried out by sending a direct letter to the Director General of Railways of the Ministry of Transportation.

According to Ganjar, it is an old way that has a small chance of getting a response quickly. Especially if in the agency that was written there were also many letters that piled up.

"Well, this letter is not necessarily read, even though in Central Java in the context of this kind of thing, complaints about the handling system are much easier. You can use social media, use the gubernatorial report application, or use my cellphone number, some people already know. I was happy with the community, the banner was lowered and then taken down, let's talk," he said.

In addition to the lack of communication, Ganjar also regretted that the demonstration at the Ganefo Flyover also involved children. When meeting at the location, Ganjar also had time to remind the person in charge and residents not to involve or invite children to participate in demonstrations.

"Earlier I also protested because there were members of the DPRD who were in charge. They can't invite children if they want to demo," said Ganjar.

It is known that the demonstration took place when Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo was about to inaugurate the Ganefo Flyover. Residents demanded that road access around the railroad crossing under the Ganefo Flyover be reopened. Because since the flyover construction project was completed, the road access was closed.

Ganjar, who arrived at the location, did not immediately inaugurate the flyover. He chose to meet the protesters for a dialogue. Ganjar also gave an explanation of the importance of the benefits of the Ganefo Flyover for the smooth transportation at the Ganefo railroad crossing, Mranggen, it.

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