JAKARTA - The United States on Wednesday said reviving the 2015 Nuclear Deal with Iran was not currently the focus, saying Tehran showed little interest in reviving the pact, with Washington concentrating on how to support Iranian protesters.

Asked if the United States was interested in talks about reviving a pact in which Iran curbed its nuclear program in exchange for relief from economic sanctions, US State Department spokesman Ned Price replied "it's not our focus now."

"It is very clear and Iran has made it very clear that this is not the agreement they have prepared. The deal is clearly not visible in the near future," Price told a briefing.

"Nothing we've heard in recent weeks shows that they've changed their position. And now our focus is, on the extraordinary courage shown by the Iranian people through their peaceful demonstrations," he explained.

"Our current focus is to highlight what they are doing and support them in the way we can," he continued, referring to anti-government protests sparked by Mahsa Amini's death (22) on September 16, while in Iran's moral police custody.

It is known that US President Donald Trump's decision to leave the deal in 2018 was responded to by Iran by continuing its nuclear program, past the limits set before US steps.

The recovery of the 2015 Nuclear Deal met a bright path in March. For more than a year, the European Union (EU) and other world powers have been in talks with Iran to restore the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), the official name of the deal, which eases sanctions on Iran in exchange for restrictions on its nuclear program.

However, indirect talks between Tehran and Washington stalled over several issues, including Tehran's insistence that the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) close its investigation into traces of uranium found in three undeclared locations before the pact was revived. Iran also wants guarantees from the US not to leave a deal as before and the lifting of sanctions.

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