JAKARTA - UGM Anti-Corruption Study Center (Pukat) researcher, Zaenur Rohman, said the KPK needed to explain the case of Papua Governor Lukas Enembe as purely a legal matter.

"KPK can approach community leaders, explain that this is purely a legal process, there is no politics, etc. The KPK's job is to build communication with traditional leaders and religious leaders. Zaenur said as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, October 11.

KPK investigators are advised to approach figures in Papua so that the summoning of Governor Lukas Enembe goes smoothly.

Investigators have sent the first and second summons, but Lukas never attended the examination at the KPK office, in Jakarta.

It is known, Lukas Enembe reasoned sick. Now there is a reason for the KPK to use force in the form of arrests. However, it was not easy to realize, because the mass of supporters guarded Lukas Enembe's house.

Regarding the community action that protected Lukas, Zaenur said that some people had a contradictory attitude toward the regional head who was a suspect in corruption.

In almost all surveys, the public considers corruption a serious problem that must be eradicated. However, Zaenur said, of course, there are groups of defenders when there are figures who are supported to become corruption suspects.

The form of defense of the supporters of regional heads who are suspects in corruption and even hindering arrests is what happened in Buol.

According to Zaenur, there are several factors that cause the phenomenon of group support for corruption suspects.

"First, the regional head who is a suspect in corruption is an elite figure who has had a strong influence. Including influence in the economic and resource fields. Many people depend on the suspect for their lives," he said.

Second, he said, there was a common primordial background between the suspect and the supporters, and there was a feeling that the supporters wanted to protect their group.

Third, the suspect has been maintaining his constituents, for example, with money politics or pork barrels, namely policies that benefit supporters. Fourth, the suspect still has a supporting elite network that can mobilize the masses.

Fifth, he said, due to the low level of legal awareness of the community, this situation was used by the elite to mobilize the masses. Sixth, according to him, it is possible that there will be supporters or mercenaries.

"To change the situation, there are several things that need to be done continuously. First, anti-corruption education to the public," he said.

Zaenur said the public must obtain continuous information about corruption.

"So that corruption must be fought by all parties. Second, eradicating money politics. Third, fair law enforcement," said Zaenur.

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