PAYAKUMBUH - The Payakumbuh City Satpol PP will process two violators of the Regional Regulation (perda) to the trial to undergo a minor criminal trial or trial. "There are still two Perda violators who may be brought up to trial. Some time ago there was a wine alcohol seller who was tried for being sentenced to one day in prison," said the Head of the Payakumbuh City Satpol PP, Dony Prayuda, in Payakumbuh, West Sumatra (West Sumatra), quoted from Antara, Tuesday, October 11. He said, two other cases will be brought up to trial for violating Regional Regulation Number 12 of 2016 concerning prevention, prosecution and eradication of community and immorality. "Both of these have been given the first and second warning. There have also been those who have been banned. We have also coordinated with the court and prosecutor's office," he said. He said the Payakumbuh City Satpol PP routinely continued to carry out patrols in controlling cafes that were not in accordance with the permit. "Some of what we are targeting is past the permit hours. According to the permission given by the Payakumbuh City Government, all of them are 12 at night or 24.00 WIB," he said.

Even so, his party still gives a deadline in the context of their preparation to close or clean up the cafe. "Indeed, there are still some naughty cafes that do not heed the permit. This is what we give a warning letter about broadcast hours, especially if a female companion is found," he said. He hopes that with the punishment one alcohol seller can provide a deterrent effect and make other cafes no longer sell alcoholic beverages. "The participation of various parties is very much needed in enforcing this regional regulation, starting from law enforcement officers to the community who have to monitor their respective environments," he said.

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