SERANG A motorcyclist died after an accident with a Mitsubishi pickup car with police number (Nopol) A 8648 CT driven by AJ (29) on Jalan Raya Serang-Cilegon, precisely at Linkungan Pelamunan, Pelamunan Village, Kramatwatu District, Tuesday, October 11, at around 06.00 WIB.

"It is true that there was an accident on Jalan Raya Serang-Cilegon, precisely in the Performing Environment, between a Honda Beat motorcycle driven by FN (28) and a pickup car driven by AJ. The motorcycle driver died on the spot," Tri said in a written statement, Tuesday, October 11.

According to Tri, FN rode a motorbike from Serang to Cilegon, arriving at the scene, the victim took the right lane to overtake the truck, allegedly while trying to overtake the victim swayed and then fell and was hit by a Mitsubishi pickup vehicle that came from the opposite direction.

"The motorcycle driver died at the scene and both vehicles were damaged with material losses of Rp. 5,000,000," explained Tri.

The police who received the report visited the scene of the case and evacuated the victim.

"The action taken by the officers is after receiving the report, visiting the crime scene, recording witnesses, securing evidence, taking documentation," added Tri.

Tri appealed to the entire community to remain vigilant in driving.

"Remember prioritizing the safety of yourself and other road users, and remembering that the family is waiting for you at home," he urged.

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