JAKARTA Recently, the capital city has been hit by extreme weather, rain accompanied by strong winds as well as lightning. Facing this situation, the PLN of the Main Distribution Unit (UID) of Greater Jakarta appealed to residents to be aware of various possible electrical hazards.

"We urge the public to be vigilant if the water rises and causes puddles because it can threaten safety," said General Manager of PLN UID Jakarta Raya Doddy B Pangaribuan quoting Antara, Tuesday, October 11.

When the water has started to enter the house, PLN urges customers to immediately turn off the electricity from the "miniature circuit breaker" (MCB) to avoid the danger of being electrocuted.

Then, in the same situation, PLN asks customers to ensure to revoke all electronic equipment connected to the outlet in order to avoid short circuits.

"Put the electronic equipment in a safer place and cannot be reached by water," he said.

In the event of a safety threat from the electricity grid due to potential flooding or other extreme weather, the public is expected to be able to report and request the temporary suspension of electricity supply to PLN.

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