JAKARTA - South Jakarta Metro Police investigators are investigating the pretext of education submitted by Baim Wong and Paula Verhoeven as the reason for uploading the video of the police report prank on Baim Paula's YouTube account.

"We received all the information given. So we continue to explore to clarify the reports that have been reported," said Head of Public Relations of the South Jakarta Metro Police AKP Nurma Dewi when confirmed, Sunday, October 9.

Furthermore, Nurma said that investigators would continue to examine witnesses related to the video content of the police report.

According to him, statements from Baim and Paula will be confronted by the confessions of witnesses and reporters.

"Meanwhile, we have examined 4 witnesses, then tomorrow or the day after tomorrow it must have been scheduled by investigators to examine witnesses to clarify the problem that has been carried out," he said.

Previously reported, Baim admitted that he and his wife Paula made prank content for the police report. Baim admitted that he just wanted to know how police officers would react if his wife became a victim of domestic violence (KDRT).

Baim said that he had no intention of vilifying or demeaning the Polri institution in the prank video.

"Why did I do it, I want to know the police reaction." Baim told reporters at the South Jakarta Metro Police, Friday, October 6.

"I don't really have any intention of vilifying, let alone not respecting, demeaning the police institution," he continued.

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