JAKARTA - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin asked the State Civil Apparatus Commission (KASN) to formulate an adaptive ASN leadership.

"First, formulate an adaptive ASN leadership selection ecosystem to build a transformative public leader," said the Vice President while attending the 2021 High Leadership Position Charging Award (JPT) and the launch of the Higher Leadership Information System (SIJAPTI) 4.0 virtually from Jakarta, Thursday 6 October.

With an adaptive selection ecosystem, the Vice President continued, human resource talents (HR) who are capable and competitive will emerge.

"With a good ecosystem, a leader will be born who has visionary ideas, as well as able to carry out policy executions and concrete steps in responding to development challenges," he added.

Second, continued Ma'ruf Amin, as a country with diversity and has ASN human resources spread throughout Indonesia, KASN needs to design an integrated national strategy to create and strengthen the function of ASN as glue and unify national bonds.

"Regional autonomy and decentralization should not divide us into regional spirit. However, let us strengthen the regional autonomy's big vision, that advanced regions will contribute to advanced Indonesia," he said.

Third, he emphasized the need to strengthen KASN's role in supervising the merit system in the era of democracy.

"The principle of neutrality and professionalism must be a common platform for policymakers in the center and regions. This is where the importance of KASN's role in maintaining bureaucratic relations and leadership vision is in accordance with meritocracy principles. May we build a bureaucratic face that supports the 2045 Indonesia Emas transformation agenda," explained Ma'ruf Amin.

Thus, he hopes that in the future there will be no more lagging behind between one institution and another, because all of them have met the standards and policy indicators that have been set.

"I hope that all ministries, institutions, provincial, city and district governments by 2024 can meet the standard set categories. There should be no ministries, institutions, and local governments that 'liven the class'. All Personnel Guidance Officers at the center and regions must have a commitment to realize superior and strong bureaucratic leadership," said Ma'ruf Amin.

In the event, out of a total of 431 government agencies assessed, awards were given to 82 agencies with an assessment of the quality of JPT filling very well and well.

Fourteen government agencies get very good quality and 68 government agencies get good quality. Here are the names of the award recipients with very good quality:

Government Agencies Category Ministries/Agencies1. Ministry of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform2. Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises3. Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs4. Ministry of State Secretariat5. State Civil Service Agency6. Geospatial Information Agency

Provincial/City Government Category1. Bali Province2. East Java Province3. Special Region of Yogyakarta4. North Sulawesi Province5. Yogyakarta City6. Tangerang City

Regency Government Agencies Category1. Kulon Progo Regency2. Sleman Regency

Present at the event were Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform (Menpan RB) Abdullah Azwar Anas, Governor of the Special Region of Yogyakarta Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X, Chairman of KASN Agus Pramusinto, heads of state institutions, governors, deputy governors, regents, deputy regents, mayors, and deputy mayors throughout Indonesia.

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