JAKARTA - The Indonesian House of Representatives will host The 8th G20 Parliamentary Speaker Summit (P20) this week. The chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, confirmed that her party would encourage G20 countries to take various concrete actions to overcome the food crisis in the prestigious forum.

"P20 is a strategic forum to encourage G20 countries to overcome the threat of a food and energy crisis," said Puan, Monday, October 3.

The DPR carries the theme "Stronger Parliament for Sustainable Recovery" in P20 which is in line with the theme of the G20 Presidency, namely "Recover Together, Recover Stronger". The G20 parliamentary forum will be held at the DPR Building, Senayan, Jakarta, on October 6-7, 2022.

There are four main issues raised by the DPR in the P20 forum, including the issue of an inclusive economy and a strong economy to face the latest challenges, namely the food, energy, and stagnation crisis. According to Puan, food issues are one of the issues that must be faced by countries in the world today.

"Especially after the COVID-19 pandemic, the world community faces a new challenge, namely the conflict between Russia and Ukraine which has again created global uncertainty," said Puan in a written statement.

"This problem directly and indirectly, creates a shortage that has an impact on high food and energy prices," added Puan.

Therefore, Indonesia as the G20 presidency can take advantage of the P20 moment to have a positive impact on global issues. Including, said Puan, so that the world anticipates the threat of a food crisis due to the Russian-Ukraine conflict.

Indonesia cannot be silent about the existence of various global conflicts. Through the P20 in line with the G20 Summit, we must act as a bridge or mediator to resolve it, where the food crisis is also included in it," he said.

Puan added that the world's parliaments must unite to fight for food and energy security issues. Because food and energy issues involve the livelihoods of many people.

"We live on the same earth, therefore we need to prioritize joint work, collaboration, mutual cooperation to build a better world for all," said Puan.

The former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture assessed that world countries must show real steps in dealing with the threat of a world food crisis. If it is not anticipated, according to Puan, the world's food crisis will affect people's welfare.

This is a humanitarian issue that needs to be voiced and fought for together, in mutual cooperation. The world parliament must have the same voice in the issue of the food and energy crisis so that the world's food and energy supply is guaranteed and fulfilled," he explained.

Puan also highlighted the high price of basic commodities caused by the increasingly scarce food commodities. This problem has become a concern for many countries.

The threat of a food crisis has also been issued by The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) or the World Food and Agriculture Organization and the United Nations following various global problems. Such as a spike in commodity prices due to conflicts between Russia and Ukraine, causing a number of countries to stop the tap of global food exports such as wheat and soybeans.

"And the problem of food commodities is encouraging global inflation, which as we know has hit the economy of a number of countries in the world," said Puan.

"So it is very important that the parliament of the G20 countries sit together and find solutions so that food issues do not destroy people's lives," he continued.

Puan emphasized that Indonesia through the G20 Presidency has the opportunity to unite world countries in dealing with the threat of a food crisis. P20 as a communication forum for parliamentary leaders of 20 countries with the largest economy in the world is also said to have a strategic role in influencing the policies of their respective countries.

"The P20 Forum is very important as an effort to jointly unite or state a commitment so that the world can become even better, recover even more, stronger and more advanced for the sake of humanity and humans on earth," concluded Puan.

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