JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan suspected that he had contracted COVID-19 from DKI Jakarta Deputy Governor Ahmad Riza Patria who was first infected with the corona virus.

Meanwhile, Riza was detected from her personal staff, who first caught it through the family cluster.

Actually Anies had undergone a swab or swab test on Wednesday, November 25, but the results were negative. When he got the news that Riza had been confirmed positive since 27 November, Anies returned to the test.

"After hearing the news that the Deputy Governor was positive, while we had a fairly close interaction, according to the health protocol I returned to the test," Anies said in his statement, Tuesday, December 1.

Anies then underwent an antigen swab on Sunday, November 29 as tracing of Riza's positive case and the result was negative. Then, Monday, November 130, Anies again underwent a PCR swab to confirm the previous antigen results.

"It turned out that in the morning I got the news that the results were positive, my PCR test was positive for COVID-19.

Anies asked everyone he had interacted with in the past few days to have a PCR swab done.

"Anyone who has met me in the last few days can contact the nearest puskesmas to undergo a swab test," said Anies.

In addition, Anies has ordered the DKI Health Office to contact anyone who previously had close contact with Anies.

"Of course the tracing team from the Health Office will also record and contact my close contacts. All related procedures will be carried out," he said.

This result follows the Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria, who previously tested positive since last Friday, November 27.

Anies said that he is currently in good condition and is in the category of people without symptoms (OTG). Now, he is undergoing self-isolation and following treatment procedures set by the medical team.

"I will do independent isolation in a separate place from my family and live alone. Meanwhile, my family will remain in a private residence," said Anies.

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