JAKARTA - The Tambora Police arrested 4 students who beat the victim with the initials LH, RA, AFS and PS. The four perpetrators were involved in the beating, resulting in the victim DF (14) suffering stab wounds on the back.

Head of Public Relations of the West Jakarta Metro Police, Kompol Moch Taufik Iksan, said that the perpetrators deliberately gathered in the field to find enemies of brawls. Then they ride together on motorbikes.

"The perpetrators with the initials PS were carried by the perpetrators of Apong (DPO), then the perpetrators RH, AJS and RA three rode a Honda Beat motorbike. The perpetrator then turned on Jalan Bandengan Raya and then went to Jalan Pejagalan, to Jalan Jembatan Lima entering Tambora Jalan Tambora V," said Kompol Taufik, Monday, October 3.

Arriving on Jalan Tambora V, the perpetrators saw the victim hanging out with his friends. The suspects PS, LK and Apong then got off the motorbike with a sickle. They chased the victim.

"(The victim) was hacked by PS in turn with LK and Apong which hit the victim's back," he said.

Tambora Police Chief Kompol Rosana Albertina Labobar explained that the motives of the perpetrators were deliberately looking for enemies to carry out brawls.

"So these students are looking for the enemy of a brawl just to argue that they are looking for confessions with other schools. So they are just looking for enemies to get recognition, not ordinary brawls," he said.

The perpetrators came from outside the Tambora area by deliberately coming to find the enemy.

"Coincidentally, it happened in the Tambora area," he said.

For their actions, the four suspects were charged with Article 170 of the Criminal Code.

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