JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya mulai melaksanakan operasi Zebra Jaya 2022 dengan sasaran pelanggaran lalu lintas hingga 16 Oktober, mendatang. Pelaksanaan operasi salah satunya dilakukan di kawasan Tugu Tani, Jakarta Pusat, Senin, 3 Oktober.

Central Jakarta Satwil Traffic Deputy Chief AKP Linda said this activity was still carried out in a persuasive manner with socialization and appeal to the public to remain orderly in traffic.

"We distributed active brochures for Operation Zebra Jaya 2022 to passing motorists," AKP Linda told reporters, Monday, October 3.

This operation targeted violators of traffic signs and motorists whose documents were incomplete.

"For the target, we gave a warning to motorists who did not use a driver's license, then drove the vehicle under the influence of alcohol, an unfit vehicle and the vehicle was not equipped with completeness," he said.

In addition, the Central Jakarta Satlantas Satwil is also targeting motorists who are still minors and do not yet have a driver's license. The police also targeted three motorcyclists.

"We give warnings (to motorists who are still minors) and appeals," he said.

As for the prosecution, the police did not make a ticket manually but the ticket was used with ETLE.

"For prosecution, we do not take action with manual ticketing, but tickets are used with ETLE. If there is no ETLE, immediately give a warning and appeal to the public, there is no ( manual ticket)," he said.

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