JAKARTA - BUMN Minister Erick Thohir stated that he is ready to follow up on the directions from the results of the Jiwasraya DPR Commission VI Work Committee (Panja) report, which recommended the rescue of PT Asuransi Jiwasraya (Persero) from December 2020 to October 2021.
"We will follow up all his instructions and God willing, we will keep the mandate as well as possible and I can assure you that the team we form is the best team we have," said Erick during a working meeting with Commission VI of the Indonesian Parliament in Jakarta, quoted from Antara Tuesday December 1st.
According to him, according to the results of the House Committee VI Commission VI Panja Jiwasraya meeting, which was formed in January 2020 and held seven intensive meetings, of course the discussions and joint solutions given by the DPR Commission VI to the Ministry of BUMN were confirmed to be that the state was present and ensuring the security of the policy for Jiwasraya customers.
"We who are assigned cannot possibly be perfect at work, there must be drawbacks. However, trusting in accordance with our duties and main duties, we also want to build a competitive corporation in this era of open competition," he said.
Erick believes that if state-owned banks can, then of course IFG Life can too. He added that currently the Jiwasraya legal case has been running and indeed the side of the government clearly wants to enforce the law properly.
"Of course, now how are the directions from the leadership and board members that we can prepare a healthy and growing corporation that can also provide dividends that can benefit the people," said the BUMN Minister.
Chairman of Panja Jiwasraya Commission VI DPR RI Aria Bima conveyed the results of Panja Jiwasraya's report which recommended that the restructuring option be taken based on input from customers through his commission. The restructuring option was chosen considering that Jiwasraya's bankruptcy or liquidation scheme was inappropriate.

"In December 2020 to October 2021, the implementation of policy restructuring and transfer. And from July to October 2021 an advance payment was made," said Aria Bima.
In the conclusion of the work meeting, Commission VI of the DPR RI supports the scheme, concept and timeline for restructuring and saving the Jiwasraya policy as well as the funding needs required from state capital participation (PMN) in the 2021 State Budget Law of at least IDR 12 trillion, from an allocation of IDR 20 trillion, and according to the RAPBN. 2022 in the amount of IDR 10 trillion plus interest on debt securities, for repayment of debt securities issued by PT Bahana Development Business Indonesia (BPUI) as bridging in 2021.
DPR Commission VI hopes that the problems that occurred in Jiwasraya will not repeat itself to insurance BUMNs and other BUMNs. DPR Commission VI asked the Ministry of BUMN to monitor the performance of BUMN insurance and guarantees while maintaining the principles of good governance.
"Commission VI of the Indonesian House of Representatives asks the Indonesia Financial Group (IFG) as the state-owned insurance and guarantee holding and PT Asuransi Jiwasraya (Persero) to carry out the restructuring process as soon as possible and mitigate all possible risks that will occur," said Deputy Chairman of Commission VI DPR Gde Sumarjaya Linggih when read out the results of the conclusions of the working meeting with BUMN Minister Erick Thohir.
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