PADANG - The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) assesses that Padang City is among the areas that are most prepared to face earthquake and tsunami disasters because preparations for disaster mitigation are quite good. "Padang is most prepared compared to other cities in Indonesia if an earthquake and tsunami occurs," said Head of BMKG Dwikorita Karnawati in Padang, Antara, Friday, September 30. Dwikorita attended the Commemoration Day of Disaster Preparedness and Tsunami Preparedness. According to him, one of these readiness indicators can be seen from the attention of local governments and residents' concern for earthquakes and tsunamis. "Even in Padang, there is a tsunami alert community (Kogami) that has been formed. This indicates the cohesiveness and concern of the residents," he said. He conveyed that in dealing with disasters, infrastructure was not immediately needed. However, the most important thing is humans or human resources who care. He hopes that the preparedness of personnel in Padang will be maintained every time in dealing with disasters. "Don't let the BMKG send an early warning later, it doesn't respond quickly because no personnel are guarding it," he said. Dwikorita explained, based on a study by earthquake and tsunami experts, there is energy that has not yet come out from the west of Indonesia, precisely in Siberut. "If this energy comes out, it is estimated that a large earthquake with a magnitude of up to 8.9 will occur," he said. Meanwhile, the Mayor of Padang, Hendri Septa, said that there were two urban villages in Padang that were submitted to the Oceanography Commission Intergovernmental (IOC), Educational Organization, Scientific and World Culture (Unesco) to become a Tsunami Alert Community. Ready Community. The two sub-districts selected in Padang City, namely Purus Village, West Padang District, and Lulong Belanti Village, North Padang District. According to him, Padang is prone to disasters ranging from floods, earthquakes to tsunamis, therefore the two areas were proposed to become Tsunami Ready Community. He said referring to the experts' estimates about the potential for the earthquake, he and regional apparatus organizations and the community continue to anticipate the impact of earthquakes and tsunamis in order to save millions of lives. "In the Ready Community Tsunami Program, the community is positioned as the subject of preparedness, no longer as an object. I hope that two urban villages in Padang City will soon get a certificate of recognition as a Disaster Preparedness Community from Unesco and the public will always be ready to face disaster threats," he said.

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