PALU - Professor of Sciences at the State Islamic University (UIN) Datokarama Palu, Lukman Thahir, asked the National Police Headquarters to consider stopping the extension of the Greater Madago Operation which was concentrated in Poso Regency. This proposal follows the shooting of the East Indonesia Mujahideen terrorist group (MIT) in Poso, Central Sulawesi, last afternoon. From the gun battle, a fugitive on behalf of Askar alias Jait alias Pak Guru was shot dead. "With the incident of being shot, it is suspected that the last member of MIT Poso, the extension must be a signal for the National Police Headquarters to stop the Madago Raya operation," said Lukman in Palu, Antara, Friday, September 30. He explained that the proposal to consider stopping the operation was in accordance with the conditions needed by Central Sulawesi at this time, namely showing the face of the region peacefully. So, continued Lukman, in such an effort it no longer requires the deployment of personnel from the Police and TNI officers who are fully armed around the community. "At the same time, the indicator to show the success of the operation is to stop it, because if it is not stopped people will continue to ask when it will be completed and how far will the success of the operation be," explained Prof Lukman. However, continued Prof. Lukman, the cessation of the Madago Raya operation does not mean that the authorities just let their hands go. Prof Lukman, who is also the former Secretary General (Sekjen) of the Alkhairaat Executive Board (PB), said that the officers should not leave their memories or images that do not impress the community in the three areas that have been the concentration of operations, namely Poso Regency, Sigi Regency and Parigi Moutong Regency. "Recovering post-operative social conditions is very important, so that you don't leave trauma, including being able to solve various problems that arise during the operation such as the case of wrong shooting," he explained. Furthermore, is the formation of a small team to continue to monitor the potential that is suspected to still exist. "It must still be monitored if the potential is still there, but it is no longer with the concept of operation but only a small team, namely by involving related parties," said Prof Lukman.

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