JABAR - The Bogor Regency Environment Agency (DLH) was asked to change its work pattern. DLH is encouraged to cooperate with third parties in overcoming waste problems in order to save the budget.

Secretary of Commission III of the Bogor Regency DPRD, Ferry Roveo Checanova, said that efforts to invite third parties aim to make waste management in the area run effectively and efficiently.

"Some other areas are already doing that, collaborating with third parties. So, DLH does not need to think about vehicle care, fuel (fuel oil), or others," said Ferry in Cibinong, Bogor, West Java (Jabar), quoted from Antara, Friday, September 30.

By cooperating with third parties, he continued, the budget issued by the Bogor Regency Government for waste management could also be minimal.

"We, from Commission III, have pushed in that direction (third party cooperation), because when we visited several areas, they had implemented such a system," he said.

Ferry said the analysis carried out by Commission III of the Bogor Regency DPRD assessed that DLH was quite large in issuing a waste management budget, starting from waste truck maintenance, fuel procurement, and others.

As in the Revised 2022 APBD, Ferry reduced the Bogor Regency DLH asking for a budget of Rp17 billion for handling waste for three months until the end of the year.

The details are Rp7 billion for vehicle maintenance, Rp2 billion for fuel, Rp7 billion for employee fees, and Rp1.9 billion for other activities.

"If DLH wants to take part in making efficiency, the budget proposal shouldn't be big; because with a big proposal it burdens our budget", he said

According to him, DLH has received a fairly large budget portion in the pure 2022 APBD. Initially, the Bogor Regency DLH had a budget of IDR 106 billion, then there was a partial change to IDR 111 billion, and in the second partial amendment, the DLH budget became IDR 116 billion.

"Compared to other agencies, the DLH budget is quite large because of its large needs. So, in the future, we ask DLH to change its work pattern," he said.

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