MAKASSAR - You residents of Makassar, South Sulawesi (Sulsel) must be alert to receive information related to the Makassar Pilkada survey. Currently, the results of a survey of candidate pairs in the Makassar Pilkada are circulating on behalf of the Makassar KPU which are confirmed to be hoaxes.

Makassar KPU commissioner Gunawan Mashar emphasized that the Makassar KPU has never issued a survey result.

"It's a lie, people don't believe the fake survey results that are circulating on behalf of the KPU," said Gunawan, confirmed by VOI, Monday, November 30.

Gunawan stressed the KPU was not a survey institution. Therefore, the KPU confirmed that the Makassar Pilkada survey had described the Makassar KPU as a hoax.

"The Makassar KPU has never issued a Flayer like that," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of Public Relations of the South Sulawesi Regional Police, Kombes Ibrahim Tompo, said that the police would investigate the hoax of the Makassar Pilkada survey if there was a report from the KPU.

"If there is a criminal report, we will process it," said Ibrahim.

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