JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has denied the search and arrest of PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto on YouTube. The video uploaded was confirmed to be a hoax or hoax.

"KPK received information about the circulation of hoax videos about searches carried out by the KPK at one of the residences belonging to certain parties," said Head of the KPK News Section Ali Fikri in a written statement, Wednesday, September 28.

The video mentions the discovery of Rp50 billion in cash at Hasto's house. In addition, there is Ali's statement that has been cut to cause incorrect narratives.

Furthermore, the hoax video displays a snippet image that is not related to each other. The video clip was combined and added a slander narrative against Hasto.

"So the video in question directs to incorrect information, by being entitled KPK finding piles of Rp50 billion in money resulting from corruption by parties mentioned in this hoax video," he said.

The KPK asked the video maker to delete and stop spreading slander. The public is asked not to believe in the hoax.

The public is asked to sort out news on social media. Official news can be obtained from mass media reports and KPK social media accounts.

"KPK invites the public to always be vigilant and observant in sorting out any information so as not to be provoked by hoax information that has these counterproductive goals," concluded Ali.

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