JAKARTA - The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) supports the government's steps to carry out judicial legal reform following the arrest operation (OTT) against the inactive Supreme Court Judge Sudrajad Dimyati (SD) by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK).
"MUI strongly supports the reform and improvement of the judicial system in the country, which has recently been strongly encouraged by President Joko Widodo and followed up by the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menkopolhukam) Mahfud MD," said Deputy General Chairperson of MUI Anwar Abbas in a short message received in Jakarta, Antara, Wednesday, September 28.
Legal reform is needed because the justice system in Indonesia is currently problematic.
Among them were marked by the presence of judges who were hedonistic and their involvement in the practice of buying and selling the law, such as Sudrajad Dimyati who was caught by OTT and named a suspect in the bribery case in the Supreme Court.
According to him, the disgraceful actions of the Supreme Court justices disappointed the people who wanted to get justice.
In fact, said Anwar, problems in the country's justice system also hinder government efforts in eradicating the legal mafia.
"The effort has even become a kingpin and a problem with the Supreme Court because those who are said to be law enforcers no longer appear as independent and independent in making decisions, but have been controlled by those who pay for them," said Anwar.
Therefore, he stressed that reforms and improvements to the world of justice in this country are a necessity. In the midst of limitations in intervening the judiciary world, Anwar assessed that the government could encourage reform and reform of existing court management.
"Because the government as an executive institution also cannot enter too far into the judicial world, the steps that can be taken by the government include encouraging reforms and improvements in existing court management so that the judges do not do things that endanger morals," said Anwar.
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