Gesturnya Disorot Saat Bagikan T-shirt, Pengamat: Bahasa Body Puan Jauh Dari Klaim Partai Wong Cilik
Puan's eksresi when distributing t-shirts to residents (Photo: Youtube screenshot @me wayvnews)
JAKARTA - The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, has been in the public spotlight because her face looks like an angry person when she distributes t-shirts to the public. In a video circulating on social media, the way Puan shared her t-shirts by throwing is also criticized. In the video, it appears that Puan is wearing black clothes accompanied by three bodyguards. Local residents flocked to the chairman of the PDIP DPP. However, Puan's face looks flat as if she was angry in the crowd. The public also regretted Puan's attitude and linked her to the presidential election. Terkait hal itu, Pengamat komunikasi politik Universitas Esa Unggul, Jamiluddin Ritonga, mengatakan sikap Puan Maharani dalam video memangkesankan jarak dengan masyarakat. Physically, said Jamiluddin, Puan is indeed with the community but cannot unite. "Pan Maharani's body language shows this. middle face without a smile impresses her hospitality," said Jamiluddin in Jakarta, Wednesday, September 28. This impression, continued Jamiluddin, was also seen when Puan and the farmers planted rice in the fields. Even though they wear hats and clothes like farmers, he said, Puan is still not impressive in blending with farmers. "This is strange, considering that Puan is one of the PDIP officials who claims to be a child party. Her body language is very far from the claim of the wong cilik party," said Jamiluddin. So according to Jamiluddin, Puan's main problem is the lack of synchronization between her verbal language and her body language. Her attitude, he said, made it difficult for Puan to accept the public. "So, even though Puan's popularity is relatively high, her electability is still blocked. I hope that out of sync is one of the reasons," said Jamiluddin. Previously, PDIP DPP chairman Said Abdullah admitted that he was surprised that the Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, was narrated with anger at the community when distributing t-shirts. Said also denied that Puan was angry with the community. According to him, the gesture was addressed to his personal bodyguard who was holding a t-shirt instead of focusing on guarding and guarding. Said emphasized that it was impossible for Puan to meet people on purpose with angry faces. "Then a gimmick was made in such a way. That's it, if we want to think healthy, do we go down to the community and suddenly get angry, face down, are we?," Said said, Tuesday, September 27.

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