JAKARTA - The police responded to complaints from residents regarding the practice of prostitution in Rawa Malang, Cilincing, North Jakarta. The Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Cilincing Police, AKP Alex Chandra, said that his party would cooperate with the relevant agencies to close the localization.

AKP Alex explained that dozens of personnel were deployed from the TNI-Polri to the North Jakarta Satpol PP to prevent unwanted things from happening.

Later at 9 pm the troop rally at the Rawa Malang complex. It is completely closed, approximately 50 personnel," explained Alex via text message, Monday, September 26.

Alex said that commercial sex workers (PSK) would later be recorded and then returned to their respective villages.

(It is estimated that there are 10 dimly lit places. The prostitutes will be repatriated to their respective villages," he said.

For anticipatory steps, his party will coordinate with the relevant agencies and sub-districts. In order to prevent the re-establishment of the place of protection.

"Later, we will coordinate further with the sub-district," he concluded.

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