JAKARTA - Defense Minister (Menhan) Prabowo Subianto, TNI Commander General Andika Perkasa and TNI chiefs of staff attended a working meeting at Commission I DPR Monday, September 26. Also present were KSAD General Dudung Abdurachman and KSAL Admiral Yudo Margono. Meanwhile, the KSAU was represented by his presence.

The work meeting is scheduled to discuss the work plans and budgets of ministries/agencies (RKA/KL). However, it was mentioned that the working meeting could develop to discuss other problems and issues.

It is known that there had been tension between the TNI and member of Commission I of the DPR Effendi Simbolon. It started in the previous meeting after Effendi mentioned disharmony within the TNI and called the TNI like a gang of mass organizations.

However, the matter was clear after the PDIP politician apologized to the ranks of the TNI, especially the TNI Commander and KSAD.

Regarding the agenda for today's meeting, member of Commission I DPR RI, TB Hasanuddin, said the meeting would discuss the adjustment of the RKA/KL FY 2023.

"If the schedule is budgeted, but maybe it can develop to other problems in the sense of questions around defense," he said. "(about the presence of the Army Chief of Staff) I guarantee there are no problems. There are differences in the discussion are normal. (Regarding the question about the Dudung and Effendi issues) We leave it to the floor, but I believe we focus on the budget," Hasanuddin added.


"Today, the schedule will be a meeting to discuss the completion of the 2023 budget, this must be tapped, then reported to Banggar then the final budget for 2023 is finished, so there are no other problems. We present from the Minister of Defense, Commander of the TNI, KSAD, KSAL, KSAU. But Mr. KSAU was not present because there was an event that the Deputy KSAU could not leave and represented," Hasanuddin told reporters at the DPR Building, Monday, September 26.

The PDIP politician said that the finalization of the budget should have been knocked at the previous meeting. However, because there was a wider discussion on other issues, the agreement was not knocked.

Hasanuddin assessed that today's meeting will definitely discuss other issues apart from the state budget. However, when asked about Effendi Simbolon's statement, Hasanuddin asserted that the matter had been resolved.

"If the schedule is only a budget, but maybe it can develop into other problems in terms of questions about defense," he said.

"(Regarding the presence of the Army Chief of Staff) I guarantee there will be no problems. There are differences in the discussion, it's normal. (Regarding questions about the Dudung and Effendi problems) We will leave it to the floor, but I believe we will focus on the budget," Hasanuddin added.

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