JAKARTA - The Indonesian Anti-Corruption Society (MAKI) has revealed allegations of the family of high-ranking Supreme Court (MA) officials who are brokers for case management. The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) was asked to investigate after naming the inactive Supreme Court Judge Sudrajad Dimyati as a suspect.

"KPK should be able to develop other parties suspected of being involved. There was information in the past that several individuals admitted to the family of high-ranking Supreme Court officials who offered to help win a case," said MAKI Coordinator Boyamin Saiman in a written statement, Sunday, September 26.

Boyamin received information that the family asked for a big reward. Usually, the gift is done in various camouflages.

"This markus process is carried out in a sophisticated manner, including allegations of camouflage in loan transactions or debt," he said.

Furthermore, MAKI appreciates the KPK's steps in capturing Sudrajad. This incident is expected to make the Supreme Court improve.

"Bravo to clean up the Supreme Court in order to realize justice which ends the welfare of the people of the Republic of Indonesia," said Boyamin.

As previously reported, the KPK detained Supreme Court Judge Sudrajad Dimyati. He was detained for the next 20 days at the KPK Detention Center in Lot C1.

In this case, Sudrajad was named a suspect along with nine other people. They are Supreme Court Judicial Judge, Elly Tri Pangestu (ETP); MA civil servant, Desy Yustria (DY); MA civil servant, Muhajir Habibie (MH); MA civil servant, Nukmanul Ahmad; MA civil servant, Albasri (AB); lawyer Yosep Parera (YP) and Eko Suparno (ES); as well as private parties Heryanto total (HT) and Ivan Dwi Kusuma Sujanto (IDKS).

He is suspected of accepting bribes to win a civil lawsuit at the Semarang District Court. The submission relates to the activities of the Intidana Savings and Loans Cooperative.

The bribe money was given by two lawyers, namely Yosep and Eko for civil cases. Both of them tried to win their client, KSP Intidana to be declared bankrupt.

Untuk mengurus perkara ini, dua pengacara menyerahkan uang sebesar 205,000 dolar Singapura atau senilai Rp2,2 miliar ke Desy. Selanjutnya, Desy menerima uang sebesar Rp250 juta dari keseluruhan.

Next, Muhajir received Rp850 million and Elly received Rp100 million. Finally, Sudrajad received Rp800 million which was received from the party on his behalf.

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