JAKARTA - The National Counter-Terrorism Agency (BNPT) said it needed efforts from many parties to counter radicalism on social media as an effort to fight terrorism in the country.

"The trick is to upload digital literacy that the Indonesian people are not as propagated by terror groups," said BNPT Head Komjen Police Boy Rafli Amar, quoted by Antara, Sunday.

Boy said the existence of social media was often misused by terror groups. They continue to use digital spaces to spread propaganda with the aim of creating divisions.

By making counter-radical efforts, BNPT believes that digital literacy about Indonesia is tolerant, beautiful, peaceful and harmonious can spread to all levels of society so that radical propaganda can be dismissed.

According to him, the public's understanding of Pancasila as the foundation in the nation and state, religious moderation and cultural strengthening need to be continuously improved.

"We invite all elements of society to love their own nation," he said.

In addition to inviting the public to carry out counter-radicals on social media, BNPT RI also continues to spread its wings to cooperate multi-partisanly in preventing terrorism.

As one element of pentahelix, society is an important force in reviving the spirit of the four national consensus, and practicing it in the midst of pluralistic Indonesian people.

The four national consensus referred to are Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, Bhinneka Tunggal Ika and the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI).

"These four consensus are vaccines that are effective in preventing theory," he said.

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