MAKASSAR - Candidate for mayor and deputy mayor of Makassar number 3, Syamsu Rizal-Fadli Ananda (DILAN) affirmed the commitment to develop equitably. A total of 15 sub-districts in Makassar City must grow and develop together, including in the suburbs.

Deng Ical, Syamsu Rizal's nickname, revealed that one of his party's concerns that has often been neglected is the development of border areas. For example, Biringkanaya and Tamalanrea Districts, which are directly adjacent to Maros Regency, are also the main gateways for people to Makassar City.

According to Deng Ical, Biringkanaya and Tamalanrea are like the 'living room' of Makassar City. The reason is that people who have just arrived at Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport if they want to go to the center of Makassar City will definitely go through the two sub-districts. Likewise, people who come from other provinces through absolute land routes cross the two districts.

Ironically, this Muhammadiyah cadre said that Biringkanaya and Tamalanrea had not been developed optimally. There are still many spaces that should be optimized to be built in an effort to beautify the Makassar 'living room'.

"In the DILAN vision and mission and program related to urban arrangement, Biringkanaya and Tamalanrea Districts will be improved and beautified. This is one of the agendas that concern us because Biringkanaya and Tamalanrea are not only the 'living room' of Makassar City, but the Mamminasata area," said Deng Ical, Friday, November 27.

In addition to building infrastructure to beautify the two outer sub-districts of Makassar City, Deng Ical also explained that connectivity between these regions and other adjacent districts is also necessary, particularly the scope of the Mamminasata area. That way, regional development is expected to be integrated in an integrated manner in the development of the Mamminasata area.

Deng Ical explained the concept of urban planning, DILAN initiated the Independent Zone program. Through this program, the PDIP, Hanura and PKB stretchers ensure that development is carried out by referring to the potential of sub-districts and sub-districts. For example, in the Daya area, Biringkanaya District, it is necessary to build a freight terminal that can be integrated with the passenger terminal.

"In essence, we fix the urban spatial planning by ensuring that development is carried out by referring to the regional potential. In building it, there should be no tendency, let alone intervention. Again, everything must be based on regional potential so that the results are optimal, not wasteful and in vain. "said Deng Ical, who carried the tagline sombere'na Makassar in the Pilkada.

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