JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) team secured hundreds of millions of money in the arrest operation (OTT) of the Mayor of Cimahi, West Java, Ajay Muhammad Priatna and nine other people. The KPK also confiscated a number of documents.

"Also secured in this activity of arrests, money in rupiah denominations of at least around Rp425 million," said Acting Spokesperson for KPK prosecution Ali Fikri to reporters in a written statement, Friday, November 27.

Ali said that the moving team also secured evidence in the form of documents.

"Also secured financial documents from the hospital," he said.

Ali explained, 10 people who were arrested in Bandung, West Java, are currently under intensive investigation.

"Currently, the KPK is still conducting investigations on the parties who were secured," he explained.

In determining the status of the party who has been arrested and taken to the KPK Red and White House, Jakarta, the KPK has 1x24 hours.

The plan is for the KPK to convey the legal status of the ten people through a press conference which will be held on Saturday, November 28.

Previously reported, the news about the OTT that ensnared the Mayor of Cimahi, Ajay Muhammad Priatna, was initially confirmed by the Chairman of the KPK, Firli Bahuri.

Firli said, the head of the Cimahi City PDIP DPC was arrested by his men because he was involved in corruption related to the construction of the hospital.

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