Policy To Change The Name Of Ala Anies Baswedan Flood Criticism: The Majority Of PDIP And PSI
Anies Baswedan. (Photo: Doc. Antara)

YOGYAKARTA The policy of changing names in the style of Anies Baswedan has drawn a lot of criticism from various parties.

As is known, as the number one person in DKI Jakarta, Anies has changed the names of public facilities and social facilities in the capital, such as changing the name of the Kota Tua area to Batavia, changing the brand of the Regional General Hospital (RSUD) to a Healthy Home for Jakarta, and changing the names of 22 roads in the capital city.

Not only that, Anies is also suspected of removing the river normalization program from the draft changes to the Regional Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMD) and replacing it with a river naturalization program.

Most recently, Anies allowed land expansion in the Thousand Islands area, even though previously, Anies opposed the reclamation carried out by Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) while leading Jakarta.

One of Anies' renaming policies that has received the attention of many parties is to change the branding of the Regional General Saikit Village (RSUD) to a Healthy Home for Jakarta (RSUJ).

Member of the PDID faction of the DKI DPRD, Gilbert Simanjuntak, asked Anies not to simply change the name of this local government-owned hospital before coordinating with the Ministry of Health. Because, nationally, the naming of the hospital still means "hospital".

"Nationally, hospitals still stands for hospitals, not healthy homes. This means that DKI cannot arbitrarily replace it without discussing this with linguists and asking for opinions from the Ministry of Health," Gilbert said, launching VOI.

Gilbert assessed that the dual meaning used by Anies in the form of healthy homes and hospitals used by the private sector and other areas would confuse the public.

"The naming of hospitals into healthy hospitals will lead to flooding. Artinuating 'hospital' English will be two meanings, healthy homes for DKI hospitals and hospitals for hospitals outside hospitals, and both have different meanings. This will confuse those who go to school. This is the same as the meaning of a different stop house from a residential house," explained Gilbert.

Criticism against Anies also came from Gilbert's party mate, Gembong Warsono.

According to Gembong, while leading Jakarta, Anies has only struggled with the problem of naming his program and not touching the core of development problems in Jakarta.

Gembong gave an example of a number of work programs that Anies is said to have only created polemics related to naming, namely the naturalization program as a substitute for river normalization.

In fact, until now the flood control program has not been completed until Anies' term of office which will end in the last two months.

"Five years of arguing about whether to use normalization or naturalization, but both of them have not been done," said Gembong.

Related to this, Gembong dubbed Anies as "the father of a name change".

"There has been no spectacular work for 5 years that Anies has done. Therefore, Mr. Anies, I also called him 'the father of change of name'," said Gembong during a discussion in the PDIP faction room of the DKI Jakarta DPRD building, Central Jakarta which was held on August 22.

In addition to the two policies above, Anies' decision to change 22 street names also did not escape criticism.

PSI politician Guntur Romli said the policy was troubling the citizens of the capital city. According to him, the change in dozens of street names will have an impact on changing the number of population documents for the citizens of the capital city.

This was conveyed by Gun Romli in response to a netizen upload showing the graphics of the impact of changing 22 street names in Jakarta which resulted in the management of a lot of population data.

"Wow, there are so many documents that have to be changed due to changing the name of the street," said Gun Romli on his Twitter account, @GunRomli, Sunday, June 26.

For additional information, the change of 22 street names is listed in the Governor's Decree (Kepgub) Number 565 of 2022 concerning the Determination of Road Name, Building and Zone in the Name of Betawi and Jakarta Figures.

In the gubernatorial decree, there is only one road change in the name of the road, especially in North Jakarta, namely the front road of the Muara Angke Nature Tourism Park to Jalan Mualim Teko.

Demikianlah pihak-pihak yang menggelukan kritik terhadap kebijakan renamasa Anies Baswedan. Jika diteleksik kembali, kebijakan Anies banyak mendapat kritik dari PDIP dan PSI.

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