MEDAN - The Medan City Government has officially submitted a Raperda on the Implementation of Child Protection to the local DPRD.

"This Raperda is to protect children from all forms of inhumane treatment," said Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution at a plenary meeting at the Medan City DPRD, Tuesday, September 20.

In addition, this Raperda is also an effort by the Medan City Government to realize the welfare of children by providing guarantees for the fulfillment of their rights and without discrimination.

President Jokowi's son-in-law said that the future of a nation is determined by the quality of children's life in its time. And a nation becomes a great nation if it provides protection for the next generation from an early age.

"Children need protection, love and inner well-being from the time they are in the womb," Bobby said in a plenary meeting to deliver a memorandum of delivery to the regional head of the Medan City Raperda regarding the Implementation of Child Protection in Medan City.

Moreover, he said, the development of children's potential as part of the development of quality human resources regulated in the 1945 Constitution (UUD) Article 28B.

"Article 28B which mandates that every child has the right to life, grow and develop and is entitled to protection from violence and discrimination," he also said as quoted by Antara.

The mayor said that according to the mandate of Law no. 35/2014 concerning Amendments to Law no. 23/2002 concerning Child Protection has been regulated on children's rights, including protection of violence and discrimination.

The Medan City Government through the Medan City Government through the Office of Women's Empowerment, Child Protection and Community Empowerment (P3APM) proposed this regional regulation, so that it had an impact on the community and other parties positively.

"We hope that the Raperda will be discussed together in accordance with applicable regulations, so that giving birth to local regulations does not conflict with statutory regulations," said Bobby.

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