SEMARANG - Throughout 2022, the Central Java Police have taken action against 147,380 vehicle users using Brong (racing) exhausts at 35 Polres in the Central Java ranks. Central Java Police Chief Inspector General Ahmad Luthfi said the law enforcement against vehicles with Brong exhausts was carried out in order to provide a sense of security and comfort to the community.
"Law enforcement is not to punish but in order to realize safe traffic, safe and orderly in Central Java," said Ahmad Luthfi in a written statement, Monday, September 19.
He added that tens of thousands of Brong exhausts were secured for causing noise and disturbing the community.
"This can result in emotional friction, disrupt the concentration of other vehicles, and potentially cause accidents," he added.
Starting in January 2022, continued Ahmad Luthfi, the Central Java Police and their ranks are committed to controlling vehicles using Brong exhausts.
"This policy was approved by the Korlantas Polri, that we are committed to enforcing the law against the Brong exhaust," he said.
Nevertheless, he continued, the prosecution was carried out in an educative and humane manner.
Meanwhile, Dirlantas Polda Central Java Kombes Pol Agus Suryonugroho added, that the zero exhaust policy by the Central Java Police received support from the wider community.
"Support is also obtained from government elements such as governors, regents and mayors as well as support. They agree that law enforcement is carried out for order, everything," he said.
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