MEDAN - Seven assets belonging to online gambling boss Apin BK in the Cemara Asri complex, Percut Sei Tuan District, Deli Serdang Regency were confiscated by the North Sumatra Police Ditreskrimsus. The assets were confiscated as evidence of the crime of money laundering (TPPU).

The Head of Public Relations of the North Sumatra Police, Commissioner Hadi Wahyudi, said the seizure of assets belonging to Apin BK was part of an investigation conducted by the North Sumatra Police Direskrimsus.

"There are 7 buildings that were confiscated. His luxury house will also be confiscated", said Commissioner Hadi, Monday, September 19.

Commissioner Hadi explained that the seven assets seized were in 3 locations. The assets in the Cemara Asri complex are 4 units of Warung Warna Warni, and two units on Jalan Boulevard Timur Number 28 S and 28 T.

"Then the ZVNO Coffee & Roastery Building is a unit which is located across the street from the Warung Warna Warni Building", he explained.

The sealing and confiscation of the seven buildings involved a dozen members of Sub-Directorate II/Fismondev led by the Head of Sub-Directorate, AKBP P Samosir. The confiscation was also witnessed by the elite housing security officers.

In addition to applying the gambling crime article, Apin BK is also subject to the Money Laundering Law (TPPU).

"The application of the two articles is a form of the North Sumatra Police Chief's commitment to creating a deterrent effect on bookies or gambling managers in North Sumatra", said Commissioner Hadi.

Apin BK, the online gambling boss, is still at large after being designated a DPO by the police on August 24.

Apin BK is said to have fled to Singapore with his wife, moments after the raid on his gambling location, Warung Warna Warni (WWW) in the Cemara Asri Complex.

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