TANGERANG David (42), a former Honda salesperson, was finally arrested by the South Tangerang (Tangsel) Police. He was arrested on suspicion of embezzling the Motor Vehicle Owner's Book (BPKB). Not only that, according to David's information, he also embezzled a number of Honda car customers.

South Tangerang Police Chief, AKBP Sarly Sollu confirmed that David had been arrested. According to him, David was arrested on Monday 15 August.

"The case of BPKB embezzlement," said Sarly via text message, Monday, September 19.

Hingga kini pelaku telah dilakukan penahanan di Polres Tangerang Selaran. Berkas dari pelaku sudah masuk tahap satu untuk dilimpahkan ke Kejaksaan Negeri Tangerang Selatan.

"We have detained and the file is in stage 1," he said.

Previously, it was reported that fraud and embezzlement of consumer money often became easy ground for car sales. Apart from happening at Honda MT Haryono, there is also a similar case in Honda Permata Serpong.

The action of the perpetrator this time is called overlapping, a term among sales people which means asking consumers to transfer to a personal sales account and then using the money for personal gain.

The victim, with the initials BEP, who lives in Pamulang, South Tangerang, complained about David's treatment, who was still working as a Honda Permata Serpong salesperson on Boulevard Gading Serpong Street, Tangerang Regency.

According to BEP, some of the money was entered as a Persekot (DP) fund for the car collection in October 2021. However, some of the money was used by David, a resident of Karawaci.

At that time I was served by a person named David. I put my trust in him because at that time he was wearing a Honda uniform. I believe. David actually asked me to transfer some of DP's money to his personal account. I was not aware that there was an appeal from Honda Permata not to transfer it to a personal account. But David should, who at that time brought the name Honda, should have good intentions to consumers. explained BEP some time ago.

BEP kembali menjelaskan, dirinya beberapa kali melakukan transfer ke rekening Honda Permata Serpong sebagai jalur resmi. Namun, ia mengaku juga melakukan transfer ke rekening David atas permintaan David yang saat itu disebutkan sebagai pelunasan DP kredit mobil.

Although the car unit finally got down and arrived, the victim made the transfer process of funds exceeding the total number of agreed DPs.

"A total of 10 million. And David has admitted that by telephone to me. He apologized and planned to return it, but until now there has been no good faith." explained the victim

"I am disappointed with David, because Honda's name is so big, it can be tarnished just because of his actions in overlapping. I put my trust in Honda, but I actually experienced something like this," he explained.

Rusdy Darmawan from the Honda Permata Hijau, who at that time also played a role in the sales process, assessed that the incident could not be separated from the negligence of the victim.

The reason is, at the time of giving the money, the victim transferred it to a person not to the company. In fact, his party has warned in writing not to give money through private.

"If we really bridge it, if it's a payment. We already want payments not to transfer them to individuals. We have already told them, we already want not to be personal and he also admitted to transferring them to David," said Rushdy when contacted by VOI, Tuesday, April 26.

"When the problem occurred, it turned out that it had something to do with David, when it was confirmed by my office. "The father paid complete and it was complete," the audit was also called and the payment was also," he added.

However, Rushdy admitted that his party was ready to help when the law would be processed later. He will be willing to be used as a witness in the case.

Regarding the alleged perpetrator, he said David had been issued since September 2021 yesterday. As a result of the case that involved the perpetrator.

"We remove (David) and blacklist from any Honda dealer. Since last September," he said.

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