SEMARANG - The Central Java Police Team arrested a man from Semarang City who molested nine girls. The perpetrator mode pretends to drive away the spirits in the victims' bodies.

Head of Public Relations of the Central Java Regional Police, Kombes Iskandar F. Sutisna in Semarang, said the suspect Sholeman (39) had carried out the action against the victim with an age range of 13 to 15 years since 2018.

"The mode can expel the spirits inside the victims' bodies," he said as quoted by Antara, Thursday, November 26.

He explained that the perpetrator in carrying out the action said there was a spirit in the victim's body and had to be healed.

According to him, the perpetrator persuaded the victim to unite his body or have sex to eliminate the spirit.

Before launching the action, said Iskandar, it turned out that the perpetrator had already sought information about the problems that the victim was facing.

"So it is as if this perpetrator already knows the problems faced by the victim, for example, he just broke up with his girlfriend," continued Iskandar.

The perpetrator's actions were revealed after the parents of one of the victims reported to the police. For his actions, the perpetrator was charged under Law Number 15 of 2014 concerning Child Protection.

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