JAKARTA - PDI-P Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto said the Democratic Party had wanted to join the government of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi). This moment occurred during the 2019 Presidential Election (Pilpres). A number of political discussions related to the cooperation have also been carried out, said Hasto. In fact, PDI-P General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri does not mind if the Democratic Party joins the party supporting the government.

"I heard with my own eyes that Mrs. Megawati did not object because 2014 and 2019 were different. 2014 Mr. Jokowi has not yet become president, 2019 Mr. Jokowi has become president," Hasto said in an online press conference on Sunday, September 18.

"At that time, Mrs. Megawati said that she did not mind if the Democrats wanted to join, as long as it was President Jokowi's decision," he continued.

As a follow-up, Hasto Kristiyanto then met Agus Hermanto, a Democrat Party politician who sits on Commission VI of the Indonesian House of Representatives.

"I convey, the digital footprint is there, I convey it to Mr. SBY through Mr. Agus, my friend in Commission VI, I convey the attitude of the PDI-P. Please, if Mr. Agus Hermanto wants to join the government, Mr. Jokowi. Then a lobby is held," he said.

However, Hasto said that PDIP's openness to accepting the Democratic Party was not immediately welcomed. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY), who is the general chairman, is still lobbying with other parties, Gerindra.

The offer was only answered at night, when the registration of presidential candidates would be made. At that time, the Democratic Party's desire to join did not get approval from other parties.

"I have conveyed it to Mr. Agus Hermanto, you can check it. When you come to the DPP, please join. But Mr. SBY himself actually canceled the cooperation unilaterally and accused it of not being true," he said.

Furthermore, Hasto Kristiyanto ensured that no party would want to thwart the Democratic Party or the candidate to be promoted by the party. PDIP ensures that it will compete in the right way in the 2024 presidential election.

"But when a person does not get support from a political party, it should not be said to be tackled," said Hasto.

Instead, he said that what SBY conveyed in his party's national leadership meeting was a form of concern that his son, the general chairman of the Democratic Party, Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) did not have the support to run in the 2024 presidential election.

"So it is said that it is an instrument of delinquency. That must be straightened out," said Hasto Kristiyanto.

As previously reported, SBY when the Democratic Party Rapimnas claimed to have received information that the 2024 Presidential Election (Pilpres) would be regulated. In the end, he said, there were only two presidential and vice presidential candidates who would be able to enter.

The 6th President of the Republic of Indonesia said that the presidential and vice presidential candidates who will advance later are the figures they want. However, it is not mentioned who their figure is.

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