KALTENG - Batu Raya Village, Gunung Timang District, North Barito Regency, Central Kalimantan (Central Kalimantan), which experienced landslides, can now be passed by motorized vehicles.

Head of the North Barito Public Works and Spatial Planning Agency (PUPR) M Iman Topic said that one of the corn plant center areas can be accessed by two or four wheels.

"Alhamdulillah, the landslide road section on the Tongka - Batu Raya axis, Gunung Timang District at three points has been resolved and functional again. And four-wheeled vehicles can pass," said Iman in Muara Teweh, quoted from Antara, Friday, September 16.

According to him, there are three repair points at the location of the landslide on the Tongka - Batu Raya road.

Iman said the first repair point was STA, 2+600 (demanding the landslide pile yesterday), then STA. 4+100 widening on the left side of the shoulder of the road because on the right there was a landslide point and STA 4+600 widening the shoulder to the shoulder of the road in the direction of Batu Raya as well as hoarding the body of a landslide road on the left side of the road.

When handling the landslide, Iman together with the Head of Highways and technical officials immediately went to the location for handling landslides. Heavy equipment used in handling excavators and baby rollers.

"We hope that public transportation will not be disrupted again and will return smoothly, especially to transport corn plantation products in the local area," he said.

The landslide road on the road connecting Tongka - Batu Raya has occurred since Tuesday night, August 30, as a result, four-wheeled vehicles from the Kandui direction of the capital city of Gunung Timang District, to Batu Raya and vice versa could not pass through the location. The location of the landslide is about three kilometers from the direction of Tongka Village.

The landslide that occurred on the road was discovered after Tongka Village Head Edy Sumantri, on Friday, September 2 at around 14.30 WIB, informed via social media.

"Tetap bersamaan masyarakat memperbaiki jalan Tongka- Batu Raya yang longsor hampir bisa dilewat motor. Kalau roda empat bisa lewat. Mudah-mudahan dari pihak Dinas PUPR Kabupaten Barito Utara ada perhatian dan ramah hati bisa membawakan alat berat excavator supaya bisa membuncur yang longsor demi keluarban umum," begitu cuitan Kades Tongka Edy Sumantri di media sosialnya.

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