MAKASSAR - After the second debate on the Makassar Pilkada, there are now many claims of superiority through a poll held via social media accounts. The supporters of the Makassar Pilkada candidate pair Munafri Arifuddin-Abdul Rahman Bando (Appi-Rahman (and Syamsu Rizal (Deng Ical) -Fadli Ananda (DILAN) both showed the poll results of their respective masters.

Someone uploaded an Instagram poll for the Makassar Info area. DILAN earned significant votes from a total of 50,571 participating netizens. For almost a day of polling, ranging from 24 November at 21.00 WITA to 25 November at 19.00 WITA, candidate pair number 3, DILAN, is the most superior. The doctor and doctor pair collected 19,978 supports or the equivalent of 39.5 percent.

Followed by candidate pair number two, APPI-Rahman, which received 15,917 supports (31.5 percent). Meanwhile, candidate number one, Danny Pomanto-Fatmawati Rusdi (ADAMA) with 8,384 voters (16.6%). The last position, namely Irman Yasin Limpo- Andi Zunnun Armin, was held by candidate pair number 4, IMUN.

DILAN spokesperson, Muh Fariz Zainal Islami, appreciated the results of the poll, especially since DILAN was superior to the other three candidate pairs who were his rivals. He said the poll results were an encouragement for candidates and all winning nodes to work harder to ensure that positive results could also be achieved at the TPS.

"The results of the poll on social media that favor us have increased our enthusiasm and are increasingly motivating. However, we don't want to be complacent too quickly, the struggle is not over. Let's get together to ensure DILAN's victory at the Pilwalkot Makassar 2020 on 9 December," he said, Thursday, November 26th.

Fariz said that DILAN's positive results in a number of social media polls could not be separated thanks to the prime prime champion in the Makassar regional election debate. The doctor and doctor pair are said to appear very convincing, they master the material, are the most compact and are proven to have the most superior program and according to the needs of the community.

Meanwhile, candidate number 2 for mayor of Makassar Munafri Arifuddin (Appi) uploaded a screenshot of his superior poll. Appi-Rahman in the uploaded screenshot is ahead with 53 percent. While the candidate pair number 1 Danny Pomanto-Fatmawati with 18 percent. Candidate candidate number 3 DILAN with 26 percent and candidate pair None Limpo-Andi Zunnun (IMUN) with 3 percent.

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